Job Detail

PhD student Pulmonary outcomes after childhood cancer

Inseriert am: 20.08.2021

The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) at the
Uni versity of Bern performs research in a range of disciplines
rele vant to public health ( The Paediatric Epidemiology Research Group, headed by
Pro f. Dr. med. Claudia Kuehni ,conducts population-based
and clinical studies in child health, with a focus on childhood
can cer and respiratory disease.

We are looking for a highly motivated
Ph D student: Pulmonary outcomes after childhood cancer

Treatments of childhood cancer continue to improve. Four out of five children are cured from cancer, but
intensive therapy causes health problems including lung damage. In your PhD, you will study pulmonary
health and lung function in children who have been treated for cancer in Swiss hospitals, to provide
information on possible late effects of treatment and relevant risk factors. For this, you will collaborate
with local physicians in four paediatric oncology centres in Switzerland to introduce standardized classical
and novel lung function tests.

Period: PhD contract for 3 years, start as soon as possible
Supervisor: Prof. med. Claudia Kuehni
Place: ISPM University of Bern, Switzerland
Apply no later than: September 30, 2021

During your PhD you will:

  • Conduct a prospective multicentre cohort study on pulmonary outcomes in childhood cancer survivors

  • Coordinate the study, supervise a research assistant, clean, and analyse the data

  • Collaborate with a team of pediatric oncologists, pulmonologists, epidemiologists, statisticians and
    other PhD students

  • Present your results in (inter)national conferences and publish them in peer-reviewed journals

You have:

  • A university degree (MD, MSc or equivalent) in medicine, physiotherapy, biology, or related fields

  • A strong interest in child health, pulmonology, and epidemiology

  • Ideally clinical experience and expertise or a strong interest in biostatistics

  • Fluency in English and German and/or French, ideally both

What we offer:

  • Work in a motivated and competent research team

  • Preparation for a research career in a clinical setting (paediatric teaching hospital), in a University
    (epidemiology or preventive medicine) or a public health institution

  • The PhD counts as medical training (in Paediatrics or Public Health)

  • A lively graduate school at the University of Bern

  • Salary according to the Swiss National Science Foundation Salary Scales for PhD students

If you look for an exciting PhD position in a highly motivated team, please send your CV with motivation
letter as PDF to Dr. Luzius Mader ( and Dr. Fabiën Belle
( with a copy to Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Kuehni (
For further information please contact us by e-mail.
University of Bern, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern,
