Als europäischer Technologiekonzern für Baudienstleistungen erstellt STRABAG jährlich weltweit tausende Bauwerke, indem sie die richtigen Menschen, Baumaterialien und Geräte zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort versammelt. Ohne Teamarbeit – über geografische Grenzen und Bereiche hinweg – wäre dies nicht möglich. Werden Sie Teil unseres Teams!
Equality, diversity and Inclusion
STRABAG AG UK Branch is an inclusive employer: we actively promote equality and inclusion from recruitment and selection, through to training and development, promotion, reward, recognition and retirement.
We are fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination and value the differences that a diverse workforce brings to our business on a worldwide basis.
Working with over 75,000 employees across the globe we know that our diverse teams are more innovative, creative and successful – which is why our key “guiding principle” is #TEAMSWORK