Job Detail

Compliance Officer Operations

Inseriert am: 21.07.2021

Eine Karriere bei der Lombard Odier Gruppe ist etwas, worauf man stolz sein kann. Unsere Mission ist es, das Vermögen unserer Kunden zu schützen und zu mehren – doch nicht um jeden Preis. Nachhaltigkeit steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns und wir behandeln das Vermögen unserer Kunden so, als wäre es unser eigenes. Aufbauend auf unserer „Rethink Everything“-Philosophie setzen wir auf Expertise und Innovationskraft, um die Vermögenswerte unserer Kunden langfristig zu schützen. Unsere Mitarbeitenden bilden die Grundlage unseres Erfolgs. Wir beschäftigen Mitarbeitende in verschiedenen Lebensphasen, vom Hochschulabsolventen bis hin zur bewährten Führungskraft. Ihnen allen sind indes einige wichtige Eigenschaften gemeinsam: Sie hinterfragen ständig den Status quo, sind voller Ideen und haben die Fähigkeit, neue Perspektiven aufzuzeigen.

Bank Lombard Odier & Co Ltd in Geneva is looking for a candidate to fulfil the following mission statement:

Compliance Officer Operations


  • Periodic (at least annually) review and (as applicable) update of the methodology to conduct due diligence on infrastructure clients, as well as any related policy and procedure;

  • Yearly performance of the due diligence process on each infrastructure client on a risk-based approach and in close collaboration with the relevant T&O CRM (includes: review of negative news, review of a filled LO questionnaire, review of Wolfsberg Questionnaire, review of ISSA questionnaire, review of infrastructure client profile in Swift KYC Registry - as applicable);

  • Review of overall transactional activity of infrastructure clients on a risk-based approach in the context of the yearly due diligence;

  • Administration of the Swift Compliance Analytics, Correspondent Monitoring tools and review, processing of the transactional alerts as well as periodic reports on inbound/outbound traffic generated by the system in collaboration with the T&O CRMs and the relevant infrastructure clients;

  • Administration, periodic review and fine tuning of the monitoring parameters of the Swift Compliance Analytics/Correspondent Monitoring tools in collaboration with IT Compliance; documentation of the applicable parameters and results of fine tuning/testings;

  • Collaboration with Compliance-Sanctions on any relevant matters (due diligence on infrastructure clients, potential exposure risks at the level of cash or securities transactions);

  • Acting as the key point of contact of T&O CRMs in relation to infrastructure clients compliance matters;

  • Follow up and implementation of regulatory developments in relation to correspondent banking, banking custody, fund dealing and outsourcing related regulatory developments, as applicable to the infrastructure clients business;

  • Perform FIRCOSOFT sanctions controls (conduct any necessary further investigation in order to release payments);

  • Where necessary, provide compliance advice in relation to the Payment Processing Team for complex cases;

  • Assist Compliance IT and Compliance Sanctions in the fine tuning of FIRCOSOFT algorithms;

  • Assist External Asset Managers (EAM) Compliance in performing EAM screening / check of the documentation in the on boarding phase and during annual reviews;

  • Support the EAM Compliance officer in performing annual EAM reviews (including “EAM à la CP”).


  • A minimum of 3 to 5 years of banking experience;

  • Compliance background experience in : due diligence of financial intermediaries or correspondent banking compliance a clear plus; experience in compliance to the support of operations a clear advantage;

  • Good understanding of banking business, products and services (private banking services an advantage);

  • Very good understanding of AML/CFT/sanctions requirements;

  • Good understanding of legal and operational processes in interbanking relationships a plus;

  • Previous experience with SWIFT KYC Compliance Analytics and Swift KYC Registry a plus;

  • Knowledge of market data environment and suppliers and the financial management of these (Bloomberg, Reuters, etc.);

  • Fluent in French and English;

  • Proactive, engaged, self-starter and conscientious;

  • Resident in Switzerland.

Should you recognise yourself in this mission statement, we would be happy to receive your application via our Internet site. It will be handled in the strictest confidence.

réf. : aam

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