Job Detail

Director - Due Diligence - Global Business Development & Licensing - Zurich

Inseriert am: 30.07.2021

Ihr Profil

We are currently recruiting for an accomplished Global Business Development & Licensing Director (Due Diligence) with a broad scientific and technical background to support and conduct large due diligence projects globally.

In this role you will  report directly to the Head Global Business Development and Licensing (BD&L)

BD&L responsibilities

  • The candidate will form teams for each due diligence project comprised of internal and external resources. The teams are tasked to firmly analyse all available information on a given company or product in the areas of CMC, Quality, Pre-clinical and Tox, Clinical, Regulatory, Intellectual Property and Legal. Typically, such projects last between 2 and 6 months and involve 5-30 people, depending on the size and complexity of the project

  • The candidate will develop a system that ensures intelligent resource deployment throughout the due diligence process and the early identification of red flags that might lead to the termination of the project or investment opportunity. The candidate will be responsible for the timely completion and the delivery of a due diligence report

  • The candidate will also ensure any legal documentation required to run the process, including confidentiality agreements, master service agreements, notices of commission, among others are put in place. For projects involving our joint company Fresenius Medical Care (FMC), the candidate will build relationships with key stakeholders at FMC and include them in the due diligence process whenever possible

  • For due diligence purposes, the candidate will be the primary contact person for the partner company as well as internal and external stakeholder involved and pro-actively organize any required meetings, teleconferences or workshops to complete the task

  • The candidate will be part of a larger BD&L group and participate with his other team members in the early evaluation and project triage of newly identified opportunities (deal flow)


  • University degree in Biology, Chemistry or Medicine with 10+ years of work experience in relevant corporate positions within the Life Sciences Industry (Pharma/Biotech/Medtech)

  • Has a broad background and practical working experience in multiple Departmental Functions such as Pre-Clinical, Clinical, Regulatory, CMC, IP, Quality and others

  • Experience in nephrology is a plus

  • Can manage, influence, challenge and lead large cross-functional teams without direct reporting lines

  • Interest in working in a dynamic and international work environment. Ability to communicate and work in interdisciplinary teams

  • Open, self-driven and communicative personality. Ability to deliver high quality work independently and under time pressure. Goalgetter mentality

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English

You are self-motivated, proactive, and have a result-driven personality and are ready to step into action when required. You have an open and communicative personality, which fits well with your ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. You have high client orientation and a passion for close collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders. Your ability to deliver high quality work under time pressure reflects your interest in working in a dynamic and international work environment such as Vifor Pharma.

Über uns

Die Vifor Pharma Gruppe ist ein globales Spezialitäten-Pharmaunternehmen. Sie hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, globale Marktführerin in den Bereichen Eisenmangel, Nephrologie und kardiorenale Therapien zu werden. Das Unternehmen ist der bevorzugte Partner für Pharmaprodukte und innovative, patientenorientierte Lösungen. Die Vifor Pharma Gruppe will Patienten mit schweren und chronischen Krankheiten auf der ganzen Welt dabei helfen, ein Leben in besserer Gesundheit zu führen. Das Unternehmen entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet pharmazeutische Produkte für eine optimale Patientenversorgung. Die Vifor Pharma Gruppe nimmt in allen ihren Kerngeschäften eine führende Position ein und besteht aus folgenden Unternehmen: Vifor Pharma, Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma (ein gemeinsam mit Fresenius Medical Care geführtes Unternehmen); und OM Pharma.

Die Vifor Pharma Gruppe hat ihren Hauptsitz in der Schweiz und ist an der Schweizer Börse (SIX Swiss Exchange, VIFN, ISIN: CH0364749348) kotiert.

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