Job Detail

Trainee 100%

Inseriert am: 23.12.2020
 The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform cutting-edge research in the fields of matter and materials, energy and environment and human health. By performing fundamental and applied research, we work on sustainable solutions for major challenges facing society, science and economy. PSI is committed to the training of future generations. Therefore, about one quarter of our staff are post-docs, post-graduates or apprentices. Altogether, PSI employs 2100 people.

In the cyclotron center in COMET, the beam from the proton source is accelerated through the puller, which is the central tip of the first Dee in the cyclotron. First experiments and some initial simulations, conducted during a Master project work, have shown that a 2.8 higher beam intensity could be achieved in COMET by shifting the puller a fraction of a mm into the direction of the proton source, in combination with a matching shift of the aperture of the proton source. The intensity increase could be attributed to reduced beam losses between the proton source and the puller and at the following apertures limiting the spread in phase of the beam.

For this project we are looking for aTraineeA beam dynamics study of the effect of a modified central region of COMET to obtain a higher beam transmissionYour tasksWe propose a study of a modification of the cyclotron center in COMET, to obtain a higher beam transmission from the proton source in the cyclotron.

After having demonstrated that the above described method is successful in the center of the cyclotron, further studies are needed to match the centring, acceleration and extraction of the beam to the new situation in the central region. This has to be simulated by particle tracking with a model of the COMET center established within the frameworks of ANSYS and OPAL. For the OPAL simulations the model should be extended beyond the machine center and include the movable phase slits and the extraction elements. The effects of puller shift and chimney rotation must be studied systematically and the simulation-setup has to be optimized for this.

Also in experiments the potential of this promising modification should be explored further and experiments will be prepared accordingly. The beam will then be guided onto larger radius in the cyclotron and measurements of beam transmission and centring will be performed and optimized. We will investigate whether a higher beam current may be extracted out of the cyclotron. If that would be limited due to potential beam losses near the SC-coils, we will benefit anyway from the lower beam intensity that needs to be extracted from the proton source. This will increase the time between source services and be of advantage in the operation of the cyclotron.Your profile

  • Physics student (minimum 4 semesters)

  • Motivated in performing numerical simulations

  • Basic skills in programming

  • You are open-minded, communicative and enjoy working in an international team

  • You have not yet completed your Master’s thesis

We offerOur institution is based on an interdisciplinary, innovative and dynamic collaboration.

This contract will be limited to 3 months.

For further information, please contact Dr Hui Zhang, phone +41 56 310 53 98.

Please submit your application online for the position as a Trainee (index no. 8131-T2).

Paul Scherrer Institut, Human Resources Management, Leandra Horn, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland

www.psi.chApply now
