Job Detail

Emerging Markets Corporate Credit Analyst

Inseriert am: 11.05.2021

Eine Karriere bei der Lombard Odier Gruppe ist etwas, worauf man stolz sein kann. Unsere Mission ist es, das Vermögen unserer Kunden zu schützen und zu mehren – doch nicht um jeden Preis. Nachhaltigkeit steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns und wir behandeln das Vermögen unserer Kunden so, als wäre es unser eigenes. Aufbauend auf unserer „Rethink Everything“-Philosophie setzen wir auf Expertise und Innovationskraft, um die Vermögenswerte unserer Kunden langfristig zu schützen. Unsere Mitarbeitenden bilden die Grundlage unseres Erfolgs. Wir beschäftigen Mitarbeitende in verschiedenen Lebensphasen, vom Hochschulabsolventen bis hin zur bewährten Führungskraft. Ihnen allen sind indes einige wichtige Eigenschaften gemeinsam: Sie hinterfragen ständig den Status quo, sind voller Ideen und haben die Fähigkeit, neue Perspektiven aufzuzeigen.

With more than 200 professionals, our Investment Solutions department is in charge of providing sophisticated and personalized investments proposals to our private clients. Lombard Odier's market-leading Credit Research team is looking for an experienced corporate Emerging Markets analyst. You will join one of the fastest-growing parts of the LO franchise and will have a direct responsibility for the positions in your coverage universe

You will provide Lombard Odier with coverage of primarily high-yield emerging markets issuers, focusing on regions and sectors where you can add most value. You will collaborate closely with a team of portfolio managers, advisors, and high-yield analysts, while providing timely updates and communicating investment recommendations on companies in your coverage universe


  • Generate fundamental bottom-up investment research, including written opinions, financial models, and credit presentations within a collaborative environment

  • Make fundamental and relative value investment recommendations across the EM regions and sectors in your coverage, communicating these decisions in person and in writing to various stakeholders

  • Perform ongoing due diligence and monitoring of the coverage universe and communicate updates in a timely fashion

  • Work closely with other fixed income teams and contribute to the allocation decisions and the discussion of relative value among EM and global HY and IG asset classes

  • Collaborate with the Global Strategy team in order to factor relevant economic and political risks in your recommendations

  • Understand and follow the different and changing risk factors that influence EM corporate spreads

Desired Profile:

  • Minimum 5 years in EM corporate credit research, either buy or sell side. Non-financial sectors are preferred

  • Experience across credit grades from investment grade to sub-IG and distressed is preferred

  • Strong understanding of relative value across issuers and across EM credit asset classes

  • Fluent English, Arabic and/or Spanish and/or Portuguese are an advantage

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