We are a growing team of 18 people developing an extraordinary product: a device able to see the sounds. What for? To see gas leaks (which emit ultrasounds) before they get dangerous to the humans or to the environment. It is not science fiction, it is already used by major industrial companies in more than 20 countries!
Do you feel concerned about climate change and the protection of the environment? Do you love high technology? Join us to make a decisive step in this odyssey!
Distran invented the world first ultrasonic camera. These camera can be used in industrial environments to detect abnormal phenomenon such as gas leaks, partial discharges and mechanical problems. Detecting them from a distance and determining the urgency to remediate them is critical for our customer to ensure safe and efficient operations. This detection and qualification of the phenomena is made through theory, models, and experimentation. In this position, you are responsible to develop solid knowledge, make and improve models to enable real-time analysis of these signals.
Bringing a groundbreaking product from a nice technology to a market best seller is a challenging yet rewarding social and professional experience. This job is for you if you like to give meaning to your work and have a strong impact on a product and on a company. Joining Distran, you will receive a competitive package composed of salary and phantom shares.
Want to join? Please submit your application here.
Offer added/modified on May 28, 2021