Climate and Environmental Physics is a division of the Physics Institute of the University of Bern. We are committed to understand the processes of Earth System on time scales from seasons to a million years.
TasksResearch is carried out in the framework of the groups of Climate and Environmental Physics and the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research. The postdoc will use the Bern3D model, a climate model of intermediate complexity, that consists of a 3-dimensional ocean, an energy-moisture balance model of the atmosphere, many ocean tracers, and a prognostic land-ocean carbon cycle. The cost-effective model permits glacial-interglacial simulations and is suitable for the investigation of dynamics of tipping points associated with abrupt changes in the ocean's overturning circulation. The work will focus on the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) about 1 million years ago when the ice age cyclicity slowed down by about a factor of 2.5. You will explore the stability of warm, intermediate, and cold climate states to understand the dynamics before and after the MPT. Collaboration with paleoceanographers and model development, e.g., implementing new tracers, is a possibility.RequirementsWe are looking for a highly motivated scientist who strives for original scientific achievements obtained in team work. You have a degree in Physics, Geosciences, Meteorology, Oceano-graphy, or similar, and experience in Pleistocene paleoclimate research. Candidates who have developed or used climate models have an advantage. Expected are advanced programming skills in e.g., Unix, Fortran, C++, Phyton, R. Demonstrated leadership in writing (peer-reviewed scientific publications) and excellent communication skills in English, as well as the commitment to collaborate within an interdisciplinary framework are essential, in particular with fellow scientists at Climate and Environmental Physics who use the Bern3D coupled climate model. We offerThe employment is for 2 years, with one year of extension, depending on performance. The salary is according to the postdoctoral scale of the University of Bern and depends on experience. A small contribution to teaching in the Physics curriculum is expected.Your application is in one pdf-file and consists of a motivation letter, CV, a link to a PDF file of your PhD thesis, MSc and PhD certificates including evaluations, and the contact details of three referees. The position is open now until a suitable candidate is found. Please upload your application at