The Laboratory for Magnetic and Functional Thin Films with expertise in designing and fabricating thin film materials systems but also scanning force microscopy is offering a position for a
Postdoctoral Scientist for Atomic Resolution Scanning Force Microscopy in UHVIn the lab for Magnetic and Functional Thin Films, we operate various home-built scanning force microscopes for magnetic but also atomic-resolution imaging. For the latter, two home-built UHV low temperature scanning force microscopes with interferometric deflection detection are available (beyond several instruments designed for performing high-resolution MFM). Using metal coated cantilevers with an optimized stiffness-to-resonance frequency ratio, sensitivities or measurement bandwidths far beyond those obtained with conventional force microscopes can be obtained. Moreover, cantilever sensors allow the simultaneous measurement of vertical and lateral forces in addition to the tunnel current. For a currently running project on Stochastic Atomic and Molecular Fluctuators and Resonators (with two Ph.D. students) and future plans to develop advanced methods for mapping magnetic structures at the atomic scale we offer a position for an experienced postdoctoral scientist.
We are excited to receive applications from candidates with profound hands-on background with complex low temperature scanning force microscopy instrumentation and UHV preparation methods. Candidates with a Ph.D. in Physics or Engineering and experience in advising Ph.D. students in their laboratory work who are furthermore interested in developing new methods for atomic-resolution mapping of magnetic structures are especially encouraged to apply.
We offer a highly stimulating research environment in the Empa laboratories in Dübendorf/Zurich with an excellent infrastructure in scanning force microscopy and fabrication of magnetic thin film systems.
For further information about the position please contact Prof. Dr. Hans J. Hug and visit our websites and Empa-Video