Job Detail

Research Associate (m/w)

Inseriert am: 05.12.2020

Your responsibilities

  • Responsible for conducting experiments to advance the research progress in the laboratory

  • Maintenance of cell lines in culture, testing novel therapeutics using in vitro proliferation assays and generation of drug-resistant cell lines

  • Basic handling of DNA and RNA including sample isolation, PCR and preparation of samples for sequencing

  • Protein isolation from cells and primary murine samples, Western blotting and immunoprecipitation experiments

  • Transfection and retroviral/lentiviral transduction of murine and human cells

  • Multi-color flow cytometry

  • Breeding of mice and testing novel therapeutics in mouse models of DIPG

  • Preparation of reagents and media used in lab experiments

  • Maintenance of detailed records of laboratory work, results and data analyses

  • Shared responsibility for operation and maintenance of standard lab equipment

Your profile

  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry or a related field

  • Previous molecular biology laboratory research experience and familiarity with most of the techniques listed is required and strong work ethic is essential

  • Excellent communication skills and ability to synthesize research findings for presentation, in both oral and written formats

  • Ability to work independently as well as in a team setting

  • Attention to detail

  • Flexibility in terms of schedules in order to meet project goals

  • At least 2 years of availability

  • Previous experience working with mice preferred, but not a requirement as on the job training can be provided

Kinderspital Zürich as an employer

Kinderspital Zürich is the largest university children's hospital in Switzerland with about 2,500 employees, and is one of the leading centres for paediatric and youth medicine in Europe. Although the hospital may be big, it's the little ones that count: up to 100,000 patients are cared for each year across 47 faculties, where we do everything in our power to ensure their well being. 'Kispi' not only offers cutting-edge devices and the highest quality of care, but also a good sense of interpersonal issues. Alongside its comprehensive range of paediatric medicine and surgery facilities, the children's hospital also offers a unique rehabilitation centre and a research centre.

Prof. Javad Nazarian
Head of research group
