The Medical Faculty of the University of Bern invites applications for Assistant Professorships with Tenure Track for Diabetes Technology at the Diabetes Center Berne (DCB), a platform embedded in the Swiss Institute for Translational and Entrepreneurial Medicine (sitem-insel). A total of four professorships in the field of diabetes technology and particularly artificial pancreas research are to be created. The positions are attached academically to the University Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutritional Medicine and Metabolism (UDEM) at Inselspital, University Hospital Bern. Together with the UDEM/DCB research groups, these four professorships shall lead the application-driven research towards the next generation of artificial pancreas and decision support system with the goal of improving diabetes care.
The Faculty of Medicine opens the call for two of the four positions as follows:
1. Assistant Professor with Tenure Track for Diabetes Technology with a Focus on Smart Control Algorithms
Both positions are to be occupied by July 1st, 2021 or upon agreement, and a conversion to a future permanent professorship is foreseen following the achievement of pre-specified objectives. The applicants will work in close collaboration with clinical researchers and scientists at UDEM/DCB active in the related fields of glucose sensing, smart monitoring, drug delivery, physiological modelling, etc to develop the next generation of artificial pancreas/closed loop systems for people with diabetes.
Position 1 You will develop, validate (in-silico, and - in collaboration with Position 2 - in vivo), and optimize the next generation of hybrid and fully closed loop systems (artificial pancreas), and smart connected delivery systems (e.g. smart pen platforms). These systems will be characterized by a more personalized, and adaptive approach, encompassing novel drug compounds. This position requires a strong independent academic track record in the field of control algorithms/artificial pancreas systems, with a solid know-how in system engineering, integration of control systems and medical devices (sensors, pumps, smart pens). Experience with in vivo studies (humans and/or large animals) as well as thorough knowledge of regulatory aspects and authorization of medical devices with or without active pharmaceutical ingredients (combination devices) are considered a plus. Candidates should hold a PhD in biomedical, mechanical or electrical/electronic engineering, physics, computer science, or other relevant areas.
Position 2 In close collaboration with position 1, you will focus on the clinical translation of next generation insulin hybrid/fully closed loop systems and smart connected delivery systems and explore their efficacy, safety and utility in clinical trials. In particular, you will emphasize the consideration of human factors in the application of this technology. To this aim, you and your team will design, plan, execute, and analyse/interprete innovative and appropriate clinical study protocols to scientifically evaluate these systems, while encompassing contextual factors such as psychological and socio-economic environment. This position requires particular experience in the translation of technological inventions into applied human research, and leadership capabilities when interacting with numerous involved stakeholders. You have experience in performing complex clinical studies in the field of diabetes technology, preferably encompassing control systems, and combination devices/products. This entails profound knowledge of and experience with ethical, legal, and regulatory aspects. Candidates should have a background in Life Sciences (MD, MDPhD, PhD with experience in translational research).
For both positions, we are looking for candidates who are highly motivated to join a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment, which includes engineers, basic and clinical researchers. With a view towards increasing the proportion of female professors, the University of Bern specifically encourages female candidates to apply. Job sharing is possible and will be supported. Since the two positions are inherently and closely connected, applicants with a track in both fields may consider to apply for both positions in a single application. The University of Bern is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration of Research Assessment (DORA).
For more information, please contact the president of the selection committee, Prof. Sebastian Wolf, Co-Chairman and Head, Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital (E-mail: )
Applications must be submitted electronically no later than December 17, 2020 to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bern at
Further information regarding required documentation can be found under
The Dean's Office, University of Bern, Faculty of Medicine, Murtenstrasse 11, CH-3008 Bern