Meyrin, GE, CH
PermanentCartier, l'artisan des passions.
Within the Intl Client Marketing Department, the Intl Head of / Director Client Relations is responsible for collaboratively defining and leading the long-term vision and strategic orientations for the growth of client engagement & client loyalty. The Client Relations activity is articulated around 2 pillars: Client Engagement & Client Activation.
Leading a central team of Managers and their project managers, the Intl Head of / Director Client Relations ensures the timely delivery of the strategic planning, design, development, implementation & monitoring phases for each project. The role also entails collaborating with a strong community of approximately 25 CRM teams within each region & market as well as the community of 7 Client Relations Centers.
The Intl Head of / Director Client Relations will be a visible presence of thought-leadership with internal and external stakeholders, including C-level executives, to drive Client Relations strategy and projects through executive outreach, sponsorship and connections.
Build & Empower Teams
The Intl Head of / Director Client Relations is accountable for attracting, onboarding & developing talents within the team, ensuring clarity for their various roles & missions. S/he encourages leadership and creativity from every chair, leveraging individual strengths and leveraging all levels of talent. Intl Client Relations also onboards external expertise and mandates selected agencies for short or mid-term projects. The Intl Head of / Director Client Relations should maintain strong relations with these partners throughout the year, ensuring upstream clarity in the scoping of their missions as well as quality of deliverables and respect of budget/deadlines.
From Vision to Results
S/he drives the translation of the Client Relations strategy into concrete projects and roadmaps whilst fostering accountability within the team, regions & markets for timely delivery of results.
This includes reaching alignment between the central governance and project steering milestones via a framework of 3-year strategic planning broken down to yearly roadmaps.
Articulating & communicating a clear vision & strategic orientations for various Exco members and for Regions/Market leadership teams is an important part of this role. S/he leverages and maximizes opportunities to showcase the Client Relations activity & results at key moments and for a wide range of internal stakeholders, including Executive Committees members.
S/he is responsible for securing sufficient resources for each project managing a significant budget and making necessary adjustments during the budget process.
Building & Maintaining Bridges
Identifying key central, regional and market level stakeholders (Group & Maison) within the organization is necessary to relevantly contextualize the Client Relations activity.
S/he should lead the Client Relations Team towards a strong culture of collaborative working methods at each stage of a project – to build and nurture our internal partnerships.
With the long-term Maison ambition to balance global consistency with local relevance, s/he should ensure that the Client Relations activity allows for local specificities to be taken into account in the early stages of each project.
This role also involves working transversally with other departments outside of Client Marketing and contributing to their activities (via taskforces, workshops for example).