The Institute of Geological Sciences at the University of Bern invites applications for a fully-funded 3-year PhD project in the framework of the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) 'Source-to-Sink Future', which also includes several university and industry partners in Europe.
Research objectivesWhat is the natural variability in grain sizes in coarse-grained mountainous streams as the flow pattern changes from braided to meandering in particular, or from the source area to a sedimentary sink in general? How do anthropogenic perturbations such as the construction of check dams and artificial channels together with water management practices influence a natural pattern of downstream grain size changes? What are the consequences of these on the sediment transport mechanisms and the related time scales? We propose to tackle these questions within the framework the Marie Curie ITN 'source-to-sink future'. The overall scope is to explore the human's impact on the morphology of streams and sediment transport with a focus on mountain steams.