Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent humanitarian organization providing medical aid to victims of man-made or natural disasters, epidemics and endemics. In its Operational Centre of Geneva (OCG), the steering and implementation of field programmes is under the responsibility of an Operations’ Department, which includes direct medical support capacities to ensure fundamentals are reached in all projects. The development of technical and/or strategic solutions adapted to complex medical challenges met in the field, or to fulfill chosen medical ambitions, is under the responsibility of a Medical Department. Collaborative work between the two departments is considered a cornerstone for the organisation to improve the general quality of its projects and level of care for patients.
The Deputy Medical Director provides a support to the Medical Director to fulfil the mission of the Department which is:
The Mission of the Medical Department also includes, in relation with other involved Departments, a critical role on knowledge transmission to field medical staff through adapted trainings and fast access to key reference documents/tools, as well as recruitment strategies.
The MSF OCG Deputy Medical Director (DMD) is responsible for coordinating the Department’s work towards operations and ensuring the coherence and pertinence of the technical support of the Department towards the field. She/he is expected to supervise the work of Medical Leaders, work closely with the RMPs (polyvalent medical referents) and Medical Officers and follow the needs of the medico-operation projects. Moreover, the DMD will have the responsibility of overviewing specific transversal projects that will impact the care we provide to patients and communities.
She/he manages-supervises 5 teams organized by areas of ambition, each of them managed by a team leader:
Women and Children’s Health
Tropical medicine NTDs & epidemics
Surgery and Emergency Care
Chronic Conditions
Health Services
Candidates submit their application following the requirements: CV 2 p. max. – letter of motivation 1p. max. – in English or French.
Closing date for application is 18th March 2020.
The applications will be treated confidentially.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
For more details on the job offer or MSF, please visit our website: www.msf.ch/travailler-avec-nous/