«A place where knowledge is created» - As one of Europe's leading universities of economics and business administration, the University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland, is committed to the education of over 8000 students and is one of the largest employers in the region, providing around 2300 employees with an attractive and innovative environment for research.The Institute of Information Management at University of St.Gallen is seeking a candidate for one six-year Post Doc position in Software Engineering and Management, per February 1, 2019 or by mutual agreement. The Post Doc position is part of the HSG's Research initiative in digitization and the corresponding initiative of the School of Management.Post Doc for Software Engineering and Management50-100%This position deals with questions that arise from the combination of management research with some of the following research areas:
New paradigms like "software as a service" or "agile development",
System architectures,
Software engineering management, models and methods,
and in particular for business applications:
Software design and construction,
Requirements engineering,
Software maintenance or testing, or
Software Quality.
We are looking for you if you have a completed doctorate or equivalent degree by the time of appointment. You show a promising track record in peer-reviewed research in the respective topic area and you are excellent in English. Your international mindset paired with your ambition to excel in research, teaching, and academic service are core qualifications you bring added value to our projects. After two years of successful work the Institute of Information Management will apply an Assistant Professorship.
The University of St.Gallen commits itself to increasing the number of international and female scholars among its faculty. Therefore, we especially welcome applications from international scholars and women.Candidates should submit their application, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, references, publications list, teaching evaluations, and three publications that best represent their current research profile, in electronic form to Prof. Dr. Walter Brenner (walter.brenner@unisg.ch). The deadline for applications is August 15th, 2018.University of St.Gallen | Institute of Information Management | Mueller-Friedbergstrasse 8 | 9000 St.Gallen | www.iwi.unisg.ch | 0041 71 224 24 09