Job Detail

Part-time position in Equine Surgery

Inseriert am: 29.08.2019

The Swiss Institute of Equine Medicine (ISME) at the University of Bern, Switzerland is offering a

Part-time position in Equine Surgery

(Emergency Clinician)

Responsibilities include partial coverage of the surgical service, emergency service on at least 25% of all nights and weekends,active contribution to continuing education and/or research projects taking place at the Vetsuisse Faculty during the time of employment. The surgical caseload is diverse with a high proportion of trauma and colic cases. The surgeon is also required to manage emergency internal medicine cases and should therefore be comfortable with medical case management.

The position is an emergency oriented part-time (40-50%) appointment, available by January 1, 2020

Qualifications include Dr Med Vet or equivalent and completion of a residency program in Equine / Large Animal Surgery.

Preference will be given to individuals who have completed their ECVS/ACVS surgical residency training

Applicants are kindly requested to send a letter of intent addressed to Prof. V. Gerber, curriculum vitae and names of three references by e-mail to the ISME office:

