Job Detail

Part-time position in Equine Surgery (Emergency Clinician) 100% - 100% | unbefristet

Inseriert am: 03.09.2019

Part-time position in Equine Surgery (Emergency Clinician)

The Swiss Institute of Equine Medicine (ISME) at the University of Bern, Switzerland is offering a Part-time position in Equine Surgery

Responsibilities include partial coverage of the surgical service, emergency service on at least 25% of all nights and weekends, active contribution to continuing education and/or research projects taking place at the Vetsuisse Faculty during the time of employ-ment. The surgical caseload is diverse with a high proportion of trauma and colic cases. The surgeon is also required to manage emergency internal medicine cases and should therefore be com-fortable with medical case management.

QualificationQualifications include Dr Med Vet or equivalent and completion of a residency program in Equine / Large Animal Surgery.

Preference will be given to individuals who have completed their ECVS/ACVS surgical residency trainingThe position is an emergency oriented part-time (40-50%) appointment, available by January 1, 2020Applicants are kindly requested to send a letter of intent addressed to Prof. V. Gerber, curriculum vitae and names of three references by e-mail to the ISME office:

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