Job Detail

Product Analyst Risk Management

Inseriert am: 07.08.2019

Product Analyst Risk Management

Zurich / Eintritt nach Vereinbarungkessler.vogler is an owner-run company specialising in consultation, selection and recruitment of experts and executives for banks and financial service providers for permanent and temporary positions.

Do you want to develop yourself further, and are therefore looking for a new professional challenge at a bank or financial service provider?

Then come to us: Our extensive experience and excellent network means that we can provide you with professional and efficient support. kessler.vogler is happy to advise you individually with career planning, and will help you search for a solution that is the perfect match for you and your personal goals. We do this regardless of whether you are looking for a temporary or permanent position.

Currently we are recruiting for our client, a well-known private bank, a technical-experienced, detail-oriented and motivated personality for its role as Product Analyst Risk Management.


  • Act as subject matter expert in terms of Product Risk Rating methodologies as well as MSCI Risk Metrics and MSCI Barra One risk models

  • Development of the the bank’s current PRR methodology and support product risk governance decisions

  • Initiate and drive risk model enhancements and re-calibration to keep up with industry developments

  • Act as second level support in case of questions or problems regarding rating of instruments

  • Define risk calculation methodology for new product types

  • Review model and model parameters (e.g. stress tests factors and calibration, multi-asset risk factors etc.)

  • Check data quality for newly added instruments and assign proxies if required

  • Analyse results using statistical techniques and data analytics to locate issues and apply corrective measures

  • Ensure regular independent validation of the product risk ratings and their underlying components

  • Development as well as implementation of databases, data collection systems, data analytics and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and quality

  • Locate and define new process improvement opportunities


  • Master degree in Mathematics, Quantitative Finance, Economics or Statistics

  • 2-5 years of experience in market risk / investment risk

  • Sound knowledge and background in investment risk management and quantitative finance topics

  • Profound understanding of risk topics (market / credit / liquidity risk), risk assessment of linear vs. non-linear products, or direct vs. collective instruments, risk factor models

  • Technical expertise regarding data models and database design development

  • Strong knowledge of and experience with programming (XML, Python)

  • Profound IT knowledge with emphasis on database development skills (MS Office, hands-on experience with MS Access / VBA, SQL)

  • Data science know-how and experience with software applications such as R would be a plus

  • Distinguished flexibility and efficiency

Interested? We look forward to receiving your complete application documents. We are happy to check them and get back to you. Absolute discretion is a matter of course for us.

Kind regards

Your team kessler.vogler

Schifflände 22 – 8001 Zurich

Tel. +41 43 305 00 30

Sprachen: Fluency in German and English

Einsatzort: Zurich

Eintritt ab: nach Vereinbarung

Stellenart: Dauerstelle

Stellen-Nr.: 24

Ihre Kontaktperson:

Leonie Burch


T 043 305 00 27

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