Job Detail

Technical Marketing Specialist (m/f)

Inseriert am: 18.06.2018



Mikron Machining is the leading supplier of customized, highly productive machining
systems for the manufacturing of complex high-precision components made of metal
such as turbocharger housings, injection nozzles and ballpoint pen tips. The business line
Mikron Tool develops and produces the therefore necessary high-performance cutting tools
itself. These are regarded as some of the best in the world and are also used on other
manufacturers’ machines.
For our Agno site we are looking for an

Technical Marketing Specialist


This role is in Mikron Machining’s central marketing team, which provides marketing for
our highly productive machining and service solutions. The ideal candidate understands
marketing fundamentals and wishes to make use of his/her expertise to develop lead-
ing-edge marketing material. He or she brings a solid understanding of, and passion for,
highly precise machining production processes.
Your main tasks
Your profile
_ Identify USP’s of existing Mikron _ Mandatory Diploma in mechanical
products and establish new (or keep up engineering or equivalent
to date existing) brochures – in-house or _ Experience in the machine tool industry /
with external partners
precision machine tools is a plus
_ Establish and create new power point _ Excellent written and oral communica-
presentations, videos, ads, case stories tion skills in English and German, good
and other digital marketing content oral communications skills in Italian
(Adobe package / Adobe Creative Cloud) _ Independent working and analytical
to market our Machining and Service problem-solving skills
_ Good team spirit, customer oriented
_ Plan and execute defined trade fairs with and ability to relate to people
external partners while keeping in line _ High flexibility to travel abroad (about
with budgets in coordination with our 10 – 20%)
trade fair manager
_ Passion for precision
_ Develop special digital marketing
products (e.g. Oculus Rift)
What we offer
_ As CRM junior: keep system up to date A dynamic and technological work envi-
and ensure its flawless running with ronment, continuous training „on & off
perfect data
the job“, flexible working hours and good
_ Establish and execute e-mail marketing social security benefits.
campaigns via CRM to target audience.
Execute internal analysis with CRM
_ Identify opportunities for new applica-
tions of Mikron Machining systems
Are you interested?
If so, do not hesitate to send your complete application (CV, motivation letter, diplomas
and certificates). We are looking forward to meeting you. For more information and
further job offers, please refer to our website:

Mikron SA Agno, Via Ginnasio 17, 6982 Agno, Svizzera
Tel. +41 91 610 61 11,,
