The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform cutting-edge research in the fields of matter and materials, energy and environment and human health. By performing fundamental and applied research, we work on sustainable solutions for major challenges facing society, science and economy. PSI is committed to the training of future generations. Therefore about one quarter of our staff are post-docs, post-graduates or apprentices. Altogether PSI employs 2100 people.
For the Analytical Chemistry Research Group of the Environmental Chemistry Laboratory we are looking for a
Postdoctoral FellowOrganic aerosol analysis in glacier ice coresYour tasksThe impact of aerosols on climate remains poorly constrained, leading to considerable uncertainties in predicting the climate sensitivity to greenhouse gases. A large fraction of these uncertainties is due to our deficient knowledge of the composition and magnitude of natural emissions before 1750, especially for organic aerosols, forming 20-70 % of today’s fine particulate matter.
You will determine the chemical composition and sources of organic aerosols in the pre-industrial and industrial atmosphere by analyzing molecular markers in ice cores from Europe and the Central Asian Altai, applying sensitive liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry.
Your profileYou hold a PhD degree in chemistry, environmental sciences, physics or a related field. You have a strong background in organic mass spectrometry. As a team player you enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, multinational research environment.
We offerOur institution is based on an interdisciplinary, innovative and dynamic collaboration. You will profit from a systematic training on the job, in addition to personal development possibilities and our pronounced vocational training culture. If you wish to optimally combine work and family life or other personal interests, we are able to support you with our modern employment conditions and the on-site infrastructure.
Your employment contract is limited to 2 years.
For further information please contact Prof Dr. Margit Schwikowski, phone +41 56 310 41 10.
Please submit your application online (including list of publications and addresses of referees) for the position as a Postdoctoral Fellow (index no. 5602-03).
Paul Scherrer Institut, Human Resources Management, Jeanine Gehrig, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
www.psi.chApply now