Job Detail

Online Marketing Manager E-Commerce (100%)

Inseriert am: 12.06.2019

Our International E-Commerce Team, based at our headquarter in Huenenberg/ZG, is growing. This is
the reason why we are looking for an experienced and digital passionate team member as
In this interesting role, you are responsible for ensuring that our new
customers become existing customers and shop on more often and
maxime their customer life time value. You use creative ways and instruments
to engage with our sportive audience. In detail, the role includes the following

  • Define customer retention strategy and derive implementation measures
    to convert new customers to returning customers and maximize their
    customer lifetime value and align closely with customer acquisition;

  • Create the weekly newsletter in 4 languages, define the customer
    segments and dispatch in cooperation with external e-mail marketing

  • Develop and create automated e-mail campaigns;
    Born in Norway and

  • Develop and implement the measures for the sustainable and continuous
    engineered in Switzerland,
    growth of subscriber lists for all communication channels;
    Odlo offers performance

  • Develop alliances and programs with a diversified range of partners to
    sportswear across 6
    increase reach and awareness;
    categories: functional sport

  • Liaise with the E-Commerce Team to create the E-Commerce content and
    underwear, running, training,
    promotion plan and brief email requirements for visuals and products;
    cycling, Nordic disciplines

  • Manage Retail email program in collaboration with the Retail team and and outdoor.
    stores in order to engage store customers in the digital world and drive

interest to the physical retail stores. With more than 70 years of
heritage, Odlo, the inventor

We are looking for a candidate with the following background: of performance sports
underwear and the three-

  • Bachelor Degree (MBA and/or relevant MSc. is a plus); layer principle, continues to

  • 3-4 years of working experience in a similar field; innovate, always making sure

  • Distinct problem-solving mentality with the ability to continuously that it stays one step ahead,
    measure processes and procedures; and is distributed in over 35

  • Experience with cohort analysis is a must-have; countries.

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, especially Excel and Web Analytics, i.e.
    Google Analytics or other relevant tools; As a full-year performance

  • Good feeling for languages and copy-writing; brand, Odlo also shows

  • Very good organizational & communication skills; strong commitment towards

  • Good team player who is passionate about digital communication. social and environmental
    sustainability, and is proud of

Are you interested to work within a dynamic, fast changing organization in the its leader status at the Fair
exciting world of sport with strong ability for advancement? Can you identify Wear Foundation.
with the Odlo brand? Send us your complete application – we look forward to
receiving it.

Odlo International AG | Corinne Nussbaumer | Human Resources
Bösch 47 | 6331 Hünenberg | Switzerland | +41 41 785 04 34
