Job Detail

Full Stack Developer / System Architect

Inseriert am: 26.06.2019

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Reference # : 19-00144 Title : Full Stack Developer / System Architect
Location : Basel
Position Type : Contract/Temporär
Experience Level : Start Date / End Date : 15/07/2019 / 14/07/2020  
General information:
Start date: 15.7.2019
End date: 14.7.2020 (extension possible)
Work load: 100%
Location: Basel / remote work potentially possible

Main tasks and background information:
The Data Engineering and Dynamic regulatory reporting group requires a full stack developer who can support application interface development, System Architecture build, React, D3, DOCKER and other similar technologies.
The role will enable the candidate to lead and implement web technologies driving change with the Organisation by championing modularization of systems, interactive reports and graphics and developing a new business workflow.
You will be supported by team of 15 multi-disciplinary experts to cover all aspect of application development, workflow and deployment within the company and industry partners.
The candidate must have; good communication skills both written and verbal, be able to work in a team setting, be able to problem solve and lead both internal and external team members. People who are wanting to drive change are preferred.
Works as part of a team to develop internal technology infrastructure for business enterprises. The candidate will have a proven background working with / managing the development of applications using a variety of current technologies.

Qualification and Experience:
React/Redux/TypeScript/GraphQL/RESTFul APIs/JWT

Preferred skillset:
- Web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS)
- UI technologies (React, Vue, Polymer, React native)
- API development (SOAP, RESTFul, GraphQL, Falcor)
- JavaScript ecosystem knowledge (TypeScript, flow, yarn, node workflow)
- Security (JWT, LDAP, SAML, SSL, cryptography)
- Data Structures
- OOP (Java, Python, R...)
- FP (Haskell, Scala, F#...)
- Big Data Technologies (Hadoop, Hive, Storm etc...)
- Relational Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle etc...)
- noSQL store (HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB)
- Caching technologies (memcached, redis, Hazelcast)
- Devops knowledge (AWS services, OpenShift, Ansible, )
- Serverless Technologies (Lambda, serverless framework, AWS API Gateway etc...)
- Client algorithms (Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, SVM, Decision Tree, kNN, K-Means, Random Forest, Naive Bayes etc...)
- Client/DL applied knowledge (Tensorflow, sklearn, Pytorch, Stan, Caffe2, Spacy, CNTK...)

