Job Detail

Chemical Engineer / Process Chemist (80 - 100 %)

Inseriert am: 25.02.2019
 Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW is one of Switzerland’s largest multidisciplinary universities of applied sciences, with over 13,000 students and 3,000 faculty and staff.

The School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, which is located in Wädenswil on the left bank of the Lake of Zurich, teaches and conducts research in the fields of environment, nutrition/food, health and society.

To complement our team at the Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology (ICBT), we are looking for a

Chemical Engineer / Process Chemist

(80 - 100 %)In this versatile position, you will take over the following main tasks in research projects:

  • Taking responsibility for scale up projects

  • Independently plan and execute lab work in accordance with milestones and deliverables, on time and on budget

  • Preparation of reports and publications

  • Active collaboration with partners in industry (Innosuisse project)

  • Assistance in the supervision of student research projects

The successful candidate should hold a university degree in chemical engineering or technical chemistry, preferably with a doctorate or experience in rheology, chemical thermodynamics and scale up of chemical processes. Applicants should be seeking work of a scientific nature. They are highly motivated, flexible, goal-oriented and also characterized by their ability to develop and grasp new concepts. Good knowledge of English is required, knowledge of French is an advantage.

The successful candidate can expect a lively, exciting working environment, where they will be working with dedicated and motivated chemists and engineers. The Institute offers challenging work in an inspiring environment. The employment contract is for a one-year fixed term, with an option to extend.For further information, please contact Dr.-Ing. Peter Riedlberger, Head of Chemical Engineering Group, +41 (0)58 934 56 82 or peter.riedlberger(at) Please submit your completed application in English or German via our online platform to Kathrin Tangemann, HR Consultant.Apply onlineapply with xeeboAccess for H.R. consultants For further information on our Institute, go to: www.zhaw.chZurich University of Appliend SciencesPrint this PageRecommend this pageTwitterFacebookXingLinkedInGoogle+