«A place where knowledge is created» - As one of Europe's leading universities of economics and business administration, the University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland, is committed to the education of over 8500 students and is one of the largest employers in the region, providing around 3100 employees with an attractive and innovative environment for research.The Chair of Microeconomics (Prof. Dennis Gärtner) at the University of St. Gallen is inviting applications for anAssistant / PhD Position in Economicsstarting September 1, 2019, or earlier.
Our chair is affiliated with the Institute of Economics (www.fgn.unisg.ch) and specializes in applied microeconomic theory, with a methodological focus on game theory and incentives, and with a contextual focus on industrial organization and business economics.The successful candidate has acquired (or is about to complete) a Master's degree in Economics or a related field with excellent grades, and has a strong motivation to conduct own research. He/she should have a firm background in microeconomic methods, particularly game theory, and an interest in applying these methods to research questions in the areas of industrial organization, competition policy, and business economics.
The successful candidate is expected to enroll in the University's PhD Program in Economics and Finance (www.pef.unisg.ch) and may participate in the Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students at the Study Center Gerzensee (www.szgerzensee.ch/courses/doctoral/swiss-program). Next to PhD studies and research, he/she will also contribute to teaching activities of the chair. Strong English and German language skills are required, prior teaching experience is an advantage. The salary is internationally competitive and based on the scale for PhD students of the University of St. Gallen.Applications should be submitted online. Applications should contain a motivation letter, CV, academic transcripts, and, if possible, the Master's thesis. Please ask academic referees to send their reference letters directly to Dr. Mirela Keuschnigg (mirela.keuschnigg@unisg.ch). Short-listed candidates may be invited for an interview. Application deadline: April 15, 2019
For further information please contact Prof. Dennis Gärtner (dennis.gaertner@unisg.ch).Apply onlineUniversity of St.Gallen | Institute of Economics | Varnbüelstrasse 19 | 9000 St.Gallen | www.fgn.unisg.ch |