The Laboratory for Air Pollution / Environmental Technology has an opening for a
PhD student on ultra-trace-level analytics of halogenated greenhouse gasesHalogenated compounds are extremely potent greenhouse gases and are highly efficient ozone destructors.This PhD project is focused on the analysis of highly potent halogenated greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by coupling gas chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOFMS). This technique allows identifying traces of unknown chemicals in the atmosphere (non-target search). The project builds on Empa’s long history of first-time detection of atmospheric halogenated trace gases. It will contribute to the creation of a world-wide unique digital air archive for these gases. Furthermore, tall tower measurement campaigns will be performed in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Estonia to quantify Swiss and European greenhouse gas emissions, and to support national inventories under UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
The PhD study will be carried out in close cooperation with a PhD study on inverse emission modelling, also hosted at Empa. We are looking for an enthusiastic and talented person with passion and skills for experimental and observational research. The successful candidate will be enrolled at ETH Zürich, co-supervised by Prof. R. Zenobi.
Job description, responsibilities and tasks
Required skills
Experimental experience in chemical analysis, preferably in gas chromatography and/or TOF-MS
Commitment to lab work
Programming skills
Fluency in English is required; basic oral expression skills in German are desirable
Willingness to travel and work under field conditions
We are looking forward to your application including a letter of motivation, CV, transcripts of diplomas, a list of publications, and names and addresses of three references.
For further information about the position please contact Dr. Stefan Reimann,, phone +41 58 765 46 38, and visit our websites and Empa-Video
The position is available from December 2018 and will remain open until filled. Applications received before 31 January 2019 receive full consideration.
Empa, David Heusser, Human Resources, Überlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland.