Job Detail

PhD position in poultry welfare - Observation Methods 100% - 100% | befristet

Inseriert am: 27.12.2018

PhD position in poultry welfare - Observation Methods
100 %

The Center for Proper Housing of Poultry and Rabbits (ZTHZ) is a joint venture between the University of Bern and the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office and focuses on all aspects of housing and welfare for commercial poultry and rabbit production. Further information about the Division of Animal Welfare and its Centre for Proper Housing: Poultry and Rabbits (ZTHZ) can be gained by visiting:

Applications are invited for a three years PhD position within the ZTHZ to qualitatively evaluate novel and traditional behavioral observations including individual- and group-level tracking systems as welfare assessment tools in broiler breeders and laying hens when evaluating housing and behavior of chicken.
The project is funded by the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) and will involve collaborators from the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

AufgabenThe student will be involved in experimental design, project coordination, daily project operations, in-depth data analysis using R, and delivery of results to the research community in the form of presentations at conferences and peer-reviewed journal articles.AnforderungenA Master's degree in a relevant discipline (biology, animal science, veterinary science or related fields), demonstrated experience in research, knowledge in statistical analysis using R and good English communication skills (written and oral) are essential. Strong interest in ethology, animal husbandry and animal welfare science should be given. Experience relating to the particular project (poultry behavior, husbandry and welfare) would be desired. Knowledge of German is not essential but would be an asset.Wir bietenWe offer an attractive scientific environment, based in Zollikofen, with lots of opportunities to learn and interact with other institutes, as well. Salary will be according to regulations of the Swiss National Science Foundation.Interessiert?Applications should include a cover letter describing the background, qualifications and interest in the position, a detailed CV, and contact details of at least two reference persons. Deadline for applications is February 10th, 2019 and the expected start date of the project is April 2019 (although this is negotiable).

Please, send all application materials electronically to Lilian Smith.Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen senden Sie bitte elektronischbis am 10. Februar 2019.

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