Job Detail

PhD Position in Palaeoecology/ Palaeoclimatology 100% - 100% | befristet

Inseriert am: 04.12.2018

PhD Position in Palaeoecology/ Palaeoclimatology

A PhD-student position is available at the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research and the Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern. The PhD-student will study the long-term interactions between vegetation, environment, climate and land use in Southern Italy (Lago di Monticchio, Basilicata). Ecological and environmental reconstructions will require the use of Quaternary methods (sediment analyses, palynology, macrofossil and charcoal analyses). The position requires a diploma or master in Natural Sciences, preferably in Botany, Geobotany, Geography, Climate Sciences, Earth Sciences or Quaternary Sciences. Good knowledge in vegetation ecology, pollen, macrofossil analysis, sedimentology and statistics is desired.

The position involves labor-intensive microscopic analyses (e.g. of pollen, annual laminations) and 2-3 months of field work in Mediterranean environments (core and data collection). Knowledge of Italian language is of advantage.Salary is according to the Swiss National Science Foundation rules. Start of position:

1 Feb. 2019 (or later on agreement). Duration is four years.

Please send your electronic application including motivation letter (max. 1 page), CV and recommendation letter by your MSc thesis supervisor as one pdf file to:

Prof. Willy Tinner, Oeschger Centre & Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, Altenbergrain 21, CH-3013 Bern (Switzerland).

For further information about the Paleoecology research group of University of Bern see:

For further information information about Oeschger Centre (the centre of excellence for climate change research of the University of Bern) see: do not use the «Apply now» button to send in your application.

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