Job Detail

Assistent of 3R Coordinator 50% - 50% | befristet

Inseriert am: 28.11.2018

Assistent of 3R Coordinator
50 %

The Division of Animal Welfare is looking for a candidate with experience and expertise in laboratory animal science, 3Rs, and animal welfare to assist the 3R coordinator of the University of Bern (Prof. Hanno Würbel).

The position is part of the newly established national 3R Competence Centre (3RCC) and serves to implement the 3R strategy of the 3RCC within the University of Bern. The position is initially limited to 2 years.

TasksThe main tasks of the position include assisting the implementation of the 3R strategy of the 3RCC within the University of Bern, representing the 3R coordinator at meetings of the 3RCC Executive Board, promoting 3R activities in teaching, research and services at the University of Bern, and establishing a 3R network at the University of Bern. The successful candidate will work closely together with the 3R coordinator of the University of Bern, the directorate of the 3RCC and interact with the 3R coordinators of the other Swiss member institutions of the 3RCC.RequirementsCandidates should have a University degree in a relevant science (biology, veterinary or animal science), expertise in animal experimentation, laboratory animal science, 3Rs, and animal welfare, and a good command of spoken and written German and English.We offerWe offer a challenging and diverse job with a high degree of personal responsibility in an exciting and publicly relevant area, attractive working conditions, and an attractive workplace at the University of Bern. Start date is January 1st, 2019 (negotiable).Deadline for application is December 20th, 2018.Please send your application with a letter of intent, a complete CV and relevant certificates (all together in one single pdf-document) via email to:

Further information:

Prof. Hanno Würbel

Teil: +41 (0)31 631 25 30

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