Job Detail

Assistant Professorship Tenure-Track in Ecology 100% - 100% | befristet

Inseriert am: 04.12.2018

Assistant Professorship Tenure-Track in Ecology

The Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the University of Bern announces a vacancy for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Ecology. The Institute currently has six full professors (chairs), several tenured group leaders, and it hosts a large international community of post-doctoral researchers and graduate students. With the retirement of two of these full professors, the institute intends to hire three new tenure-track Assistant Professors, one being in the area of ecology.

Applications are sought from individuals with an outstanding research record in
ecology. We are looking for empiricists who have their research well anchored in theory and take an integrative approach. To maintain complementarity with the Institute of Plant Sciences of the University of Bern and with other research groups within our institute, candidates whose research focuses on animals in terrestrial or marine systems are particularly encouraged to apply.The candidate should have a doctorate in a relevant field, several years of postdoctoral and teaching experience, an interest in establishing an active, proliferative research group, in teaching, and in collaborating with other researchers of our institute. The new faculty member will have responsibility for teaching in the field of ecology at undergraduate and graduate levels. All graduate teaching and advanced undergraduate teaching is in English.The IEE is one of three institutes of the Department of Biology at the University of Bern and is involved in two Masters Programs (Ecology and Evolution, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology). The research and teaching strategy of the Department of Biology is to contribute to the understanding of mechanisms, processes and patterns at all levels of biological integration, from genes to ecosystems, and to provide evidence-based guidance for the conservation of biodiversity. The successful candidate should take advantage of this collaborative environment and is expected to strengthen the links between ecology and other areas of biology in the Department.The University of Bern is an equal opportunity employer and strives to increase the number of women in the faculty. Qualified female researchers are especially encouraged to apply.

The earliest starting date for the position will be August 1, 2020.Interested candidates must submit an application by February 4, 2019 in two ways: 1) email a single PDF file addressed to the Faculty of Science, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. Zoltan Balogh, Dean, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Switzerland (; and 2) complete an online questionnaire ( The PDF should include: a letter of motivation; a CV including funding history, list of courses taught, list of supervised BSc, MSc and PhD students, and postdocs (including current status), list of publications; and a short research plan for the next five years.

More information about the institute can be found at Informal inquiries can be addressed to Prof. Catherine Peichel (

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