Job Detail

Research Group Leader (PI) Position in Virology 100% - 100% | befristet

Inseriert am: 28.11.2018

Research Group Leader (PI) Position in Virology

The research of the successful candidate will complement current activities in the field of virology at the University of Bern, for instance with a focus on emerging and/or neurotropic viruses. We seek a highly qualified scientist with a clear focus on experimental virology who may benefit from the local availability of BSL3+ lab and gnotobiotic rodent and zebrafish facilities. Competence for in-house collaborations with our Virology Diagnostics department in cell culture-based method development would be an asset.

The successful candidate will lead an independent and internationally competitive research team that will attract external funding and will contribute to our teaching activities at the undergraduate and postgraduate level.

RequirementsApplications from qualified individuals with an appropriate university degree, PhD or MD/PhD degree, at least 2 years of postdoctoral research experience and an internationally visible scientific track record are invited.We offerThe position will be available from April 2019 or as agreed, with the option of tenure after 4 years.Application documents should include a CV, list of publications, a description of scientific achievements and current and projected research projects, 2-4 references, and other relevant documents (diplomas, certificates, etc.) combined into a single PDF file and sent by E-Mail to: until 14. January 2019.

For questions about the position please contact Prof. Stephen Leib:

Qualified candidates will be shortlisted for a recruitment symposium foreseen to take place in early 2019 in Bern.

The University of Bern is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from female scientists.

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