The Research Section Biotic Interactions (Prof. Matthias Erb) at the Institute of Plant Sciences at the University of Bern (Switzerland) invites applications for a
Post Doctoral Researcher in Plant Chemical Ecology (3 years)
Project description: Plants respond to herbivore-induced volatiles by preparing their defenses for incoming attack. Although this phenomenon has been observed in a wide variety of plants, the underlying mechanisms are still largely unclear. How do plants perceive volatile cues? How are these cues integrated with other environmental information? This project aims at answering these questions by employing high-throughput volatile screening in combination with methods from chemical ecology, genetics and molecular biology.
We offer: A stimulating research environment, state-of-the art equipment and a unique opportunity to grow and push the boundaries of knowledge in chemical ecology and plant biology. The Institute of Plant Sciences is located at the shore of the river Aare, close to the vibrant city center of Bern. More information about our current activities can be found here: look for: A highly motivated candidate with a PhD in biology and relevant experience. The candidate should be proficient in plant genetics and/or molecular biology and should have the capacity to bridge the gap between basic molecular mechanisms and ecologically relevant phenotypes. At least three first author publications in peer-reviewed journals from past work are expected. Fluent English is a prerequisite.How to apply: Send a single pdf including a letter of motivation, a full CV, contact details of two referees, a publication list and copies university grades to Please do not use the "apply now" button. The position is open from February 2019 until filled.