Job Detail

Senior Corporate Officer, EFG Bank

Inseriert am: 12.11.2018


Senior Corporate Officer of EFG

International AG and EFG Bank AG

Reference R_Senior Corporate • Help organising and delivering a robust and
Officer_09.2018 comprehensive secretariat service to the Executive
Department Corporate Office Committees and GBC to ensure the effective and efficient
Work time percentage 100% administration of the Committees’ activity consistent with
Location Zurich - Switzerland Group and Bank’s Corporate Governance. This includes:
HR contact • Organisation of agendas and the co-ordination and
Date of publication 24.09.2018 distribution of papers and reports for the Executive
Deadline of publication 31.10.2018 Committees and GBC in cooperation with Executive and
Senior Management. Help preparing relevant [weekly and
GENERAL DESCRIPTION monthly] meetings.
The successful candidate will join the Group Corporate
Office team as support to the Secretary of the Executive • Help co-ordinating with the Secretary the governance
Committee of EFG International and EFG Bank and Group arrangements with Executive Committees’ delegated
Global Business Committee (“the Secretary” and “GBC”) committees.
and will report to the latter. • In the absence of the Secretary, attend relevant [weekly
The EFG International and EFG Bank Executive Committees and monthly] meetings and prepare accurate and concise
are responsible for the day-to-day management of the minutes to record key issues, decisions taken and actions
Group and Bank respectively. The GBC has an advisory agreed, ensuring draft minutes are available promptly for
role to the Group Executive Committee, assessing review.
business strategy, key business aspects and priorities as • Help maintaining a clear and concise log of the action
well as debating industry trends and issues. The GBC points agreed during the committee’s meetings and
comprises the EFG International & EFG Bank Executive follow up that actions are being implemented by those
Committees and the Group Regional Business Heads and responsible, updating the log as needed.
is chaired by the Group CEO. • Help maintaining a weekly updated “future agenda items
The Group Corporate Office works with employees in log” with all the items to be discussed during the
Switzerland and abroad and reports to the Group CFO. Its Committees meetings.
primary responsibilities are:

  • Assist the Secretary to disseminate in a structured and
    traceable manner all the decisions taken during the

  • Ensuring the integrity of the Group Corporate Governance Committees’ meetings as well as the action points agreed
    framework. to the relevant parties for their action.

  • Supporting the efficient administration of the Group. • Help planning the meetings of the Committees on an

  • Maintaining high standards of corporate secretariat annual basis in cooperation with the CEO Office to ensure
    practice. that the decision making process is known, transparent

  • Advising the Board, Executive Committee and GBC on the and co-ordinated.
    fulfilment of their duties. • Ensure the accurate storage and maintenance of official

  • Ensuring compliance with statutory and listing Committees’ business records in safe, secure and
    requirements. retrievable systems.

  • Critically review submission papers to ensure that they

Main duties / responsibilities meet required standards.
The successful candidate will be involved in the highest • Help developing tailor-made induction programmes for
advisory and executive decision making process of the new GBC and Executive Committee members as
Group and Bank and the role primarily encompasses the appropriate.
following tasks:

  • Provide support to the Board Secretary as appropriate in
    the planning of the work, organisation of the agenda of

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the meetings and information to the Board as well as for Our company
the induction programme of new Board members. EFG Bank is the Swiss private banking subsidiary of EFG

  • Help ensuring common standards are applied across EFG International. Headquartered in Zurich, it has an
    International and EFG Bank’s committees supporting the international network spanning Europe, Asia Pacific and
    governance arrangements. Latin America, and manages assets for private clients all
    over the world. The bank’s services comprise asset
    . management and investment counselling, investment
    funds, securities brokerage, estate planning and a full

Skills and experience array of banking services. EFG Bank offers a stimulating

  • Full proficiency in English, any other language being an and dynamic work environment.

  • Degree level qualification or equivalent experience.; Application

  • Post graduate level business management/or equivalent Should you wish to apply for this position,
    qualification; please send your complete job application by email to

  • Well-developed organisational skills with the ability to
    forward plan over a 12 month time frame.;

  • Ability to communicate effectively and confidently with We will only respond to applications with a matching
    senior members of the Management and previous profile.
    experience of working at such a level;

  • At least 2-3 years’ experience in supporting a corporate
    decision making forum or of supporting the committee
    structure servicing a corporate decision making forum;

  • Demonstrable high level of written communications skills
    in particular minute taking skills in English;

  • Confidentiality and discretion;

  • Professional attitude at all times, including in stressful

  • Flexibility and ability to quickly move from one task to the
    other depending on requests received;

  • Very high attention to detail;

  • Ability to cope with high volume workload and capacity to
    ensure deadlines for conflicting priorities are met within
    time constraints.

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