Job Detail

PhD position in Isotope Geochemistry

Inseriert am: 24.10.2018

PhD position in Isotope Geochemistry

at the University of Bern

The Institute of Geological Sciences at the University of Bern, invites applications for a po-
sition as a doctoral research scientist in isotope geochemistry. The aim of the project is to
investigate element recycling in subduction zones using stable and radiogenic isotope si-
gnatures in combination with petrology and major to trace element systematics. To do so,
marine sediments, arc lavas, metamorphosed sediments and altered oceanic crust will be
studied in detail. This project will involve collaboration with petrologists at the University
of Bern and with the Isotope Geochemistry Group at the University of Tübingen.
Candidates with an M.Sc. degree, or equivalent in Earth Sciences are invited to apply. We
are looking for a motivated candidate who is keen on working in a multidisciplinary envi-
ronment, likes to adapt new analytical techniques, brings in own ideas and likes to commu-
nicate his/her research. Previous experience in geochemical techniques in a clean laborato-
ry environment (wet chemistry) is beneficial. Good spoken and written English are
prerequisites for this position.
Funding for this position by the Swiss National Science Foundation is secured for four years.
To apply for this opening, please send a single pdf including letter of motivation, a comple-
te CV and names and addresses to two referees to The position
is open until filled and indented to start around March 2019.
For more information: Martin Wille, Institute for Geological Sciences, University of Bern
