Job Detail

Embedded Software Developer

Inseriert am: 24.10.2018

Sandvik Tooling Deutschland GmbH Digital Machining Aachen is searching for an

Embedded Software Developer (m/f)

Your responsibilities:

  • Design and development of embedded software

  • Development of firmware for ARM9 processors running Linux operating system using Qt

  • Design and integration of our devices into a general IT infrastructure as well as into the automation infrastructure

  • Development and integration of communication interface to visualization software

  • Communication by using the Sandvik-wide communication platform

  • Maintenance of Unit Tests

  • Support of the test and verification team

  • Commissioning of new functionality, also for end customers

  • Rotation with the 3rd Level Support

Your profile:

  • Academic degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or another Engineering science or a completed apprenticeship as a MATSE/MATA or IT Specialist (focused on application development)

  • At least three years professional experience in software development

  • Good knowledge in structured embedded software

  • Good knowledge of programming with C/C++ and Qt

  • Basic knowledge of fieldbuses and automation technology is a plus

  • High self-motivation and self-reliant work

  • Strong ability to communicate with others

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and German

Entry date: as soon as possible

Hiring Manager:

Mr. Klaus Christoffel

Site Manager

Mobile: +49 172 2611420

How to apply:

Please apply via Workday

If you have questions please contact our HR Service Center, Mrs. Denise Wambach, Phone.: 0211 – 5027 432

Digital Machining Aachen gehört zum Geschäftsbereich Sandvik Coromant des international tätigen Sandvik-Konzerns. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Herstellung von Überwachungssystemen für Werkzeuge, Prozesse und Maschinenkomponenten an spanabhebenden NC-Werkzeugmaschinen und NC-Laserschweißanlagen.

Sandvik Coromant hat rund 8.300 Mitarbeiter und ist weltweit in 150 Ländern vertreten. Unternehmen aus der Automobilindustrie, dem Maschinenbau, der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie sowie dem Werkzeug- und Formenbau zählen zu unseren Kunden.
