Behind every record, there are years of intensive training and the athlete’s desire to produce excellent performances.
Behind the result, there is profound know-how and the high precision of Swiss Timing’s state-of-the-art technology.
If you have a special interest in technology and you want to participate in the future development of high level sport...
we are looking for you!
Globally active, our company is constantly seeking for employees determined to progress and work in a highly innovative
Job-description & Responsibilities:
To extend our « Corporate and Service Production IT » team, you will be responsible for evaluating our existing IT
technologies and processes, then advising the executive team on the best ways to move forward with cost-effectiveness
and competitive advantages in mind. We are competing in a cost efficient - high availability (flawless) service environment,
and we believe that our innovative use of IT play a major role for our service production (SOS). Being one of the world’s
leading sports timekeepers, the quality and availability of the provided services is a key success factor.
Swiss Timing Corporate IT Services:
ST Corporate and Service Production IT Manager 2018
Swiss Timing LTD Phone +41 32 488 36 11
P.O. Box 138, Rue de l’Envers 1
CH-2606 Corgémont - Switzerland
Service Production:
The production of Swiss Timing services is a pretty unique IT situation requiring high-availability systems running in
temporary locations and benefiting of suitable IT Security protections. IT infrastructure services are expected to be
provided as transparently as possible to the local production team (SOS). The main responsibilities related to Swiss Timing
Service Production are:
Your profile & Experience:
Additional requirements:
Language skills:
Start date:
Interested? Please send your job application to Ms. Patricia Spozio, Human Resources Manager,
Swiss Timing LTD Phone +41 32 488 36 11
P.O. Box 138, Rue de l’Envers 1
CH-2606 Corgémont - Switzerland