Job Detail

Postdoctoral Fellowship in exoplanet observations with CHEOPS, 100 %

Inseriert am: 03.10.2018

The Theoretical Astrophysics and Planetary Science Group (led by Prof. Willy Benz and Yann Alibert) and the
SAINT-EX research group (led by Prof. Brice-Olivier Demory) both at the University of Bern, Switzerland,
seek qualified candidates for a Postdoctoral position in CHEOPS exoplanet observations.

The Characterising ExoPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS) is a joint mission between ESA and Switzerland to be
launched during the first half of 2019. ESA’s Science Programme has selected CHEOPS in 2012 as the first
small mission (S-mission) in its Programme. The goal of the CHEOPS mission is to characterise the structure
of exoplanets with typical sizes ranging from Neptune down to Earth diameters orbiting bright star. This will be
achieved by measuring high-precision photometric sequences to detect variation in the stellar brightness
induced by a transiting planet. For details about the mission’s science goals and technical implementation,
see the CHEOPS website at

Postdoctoral Fellowship in exoplanet observations

with CHEOPS (100%)

The successful applicant will hold a PhD in astrophysics with previous expertise in ground- and/or space-
based exoplanet observations (data reduction, analysis and scheduling).

The Postdoctoral researcher will be expected to contribute to the search and characterisation of transiting
exoplanets using CHEOPS. The successful applicant will also be expected to conduct competitive research
programmes in exoplanets. She/he will also have privileged access to CHEOPS GTO data by collaboration
with CHEOPS science team members. A high-degree of interaction with the CHEOPS engineering team is
also expected. In addition, the successful applicant will benefit from interactions with researchers from the
Centre for Space and Habitability (e.g. Prof. Christoph Mordasini and Kevin Heng, see
and with members of the NCCR PlanetS (see

This Postdoctoral Fellowship is for 2 years at the University of Bern, with possible extension depending on
results and available funding. The annual salary is between 75,000 and 97,000 CHF, depending upon
experience (years after Ph.D) and is set by a predetermined matrix from the University and Canton of Bern.

Each prospective candidate will submit a research proposal with a maximum length of 5 pages. The
candidate will use a maximum of 3 pages to explain her/his existing research expertise and interests
performed either during the PhD or previous postdoctoral position(s). Additional application materials include
a 2-page CV, a list of peer-reviewed publications (no page limit) and a cover letter (1 page) listing the names
of 3 referees/references.

The entire application should be submitted as a single PDF file to Mrs Janine Jungo
( by the application deadline of 18 November 2018 .Applications sent as
multiple files will not be processed. Please state « Postdoctoral Fellowship in exoplanet observations with
CHEOPS » as the title of your email.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that three letters of recommendation are sent directly and
separately to Mrs Janine Jungo by the letter writers themselves.

The starting date of the position is negotiable, but not later than 31st March 2019.

For inquiries about the job, contact Brice-Olivier Demory ( and Yann Alibert

University of Bern, NCCR PlanetS, Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 , CH-3012 Bern,

Apply now
