Job Detail

PhD position One Health of plant-soil interactions

Inseriert am: 01.10.2018

IPS, Altenbergrain 21, CH-3013 Bern

Faculty of Sciences

Institute of Plant Sciences
Bern, September 26th, 2018

PhD position: One Health of plant-soil interactions

Background: One Health is an important framework emphasizing the connections between
different biomes for the wellbeing of the entire environment. The newly established Interfaculty
Research Cooperation (IRC) “One Health” ( of the University of
Bern investigates cascading and microbiome-dependent effects on multitrophic health from soil
to plants to animals and to humans. Within the IRC involving the faculties of Science, Veterinary
Medicine and Medicine, we will investigate how environmental perturbations affect the
microbiomes and microbiome-mediated health at the interfaces between soils, plants, animals
and humans. Successful candidates will work within this exciting and highly interdisciplinary
project by benefiting from and connecting the expertise of different research groups that
specialize in microbiomes, environmental factors, health and bioinformatics.

We look for atalented PhD student with a strong interest in microbiomes and in soil and plant
health .Applicants are expected to have an educational background in soil microbiology, soil
biochemistry, microbial ecology or plant-microbe interactions. Furthermore experience in one or
several of the following methodologies is advantageous: microbiome analysis, handling high-
throughput sequencing data, experimental soil-plant-microbe work, molecular biology or
bioinformatics. Applicants should have a strong interdisciplinary interest coupled with good
communication skills and willingness to integrate into and interact with different laboratories. We
expect excellent University grades at the MSc. level. Fluent spoken and written English are
prerequisites for this position.

We offer an inspiring research environment, including state-of-the art research facilities,
enthusiastic scientists from different nationalities and scientific backgrounds, intensive
supervision and an exciting interdisciplinary project of considerable fundamental and applied
relevance. We are committed to excellent science and to fostering the careers of promising junior

How to apply: Send a single pdf including a letter of motivation, a complete CV and the names
and addresses of two referees to .The position is open until
filled and is available from now on.

More information: Dr. Klaus Schlaeppi ,Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern
( and Prof. Sandra
Spielvogel ,Soil Science, University of Kiel (
Institute of Plant Sciences Phone +41(0)31 631 49 11
Dr. Klaus Schlaeppi Fax +41(0)31 631 49 42
Altenbergrain 21
CH-3013 Bern
