Job Detail

Postdoctoral position in the field of planetary sciences at the University of Bern, 100 %

Inseriert am: 26.09.2018

As part of its long-term strategic interest in exoplanet science, the government of Switzerland has awarded
funding to a network of universities and research groups to create a Swiss-wide research framework known
as "PlanetS". The scope of the framework is broad (see and includes planet origin,
evolution and characterization, considering both the Solar System and exoplanets, in theory, observation and
instrumentation. PlanetS already funds a large number of PhD and postdoctoral positions in the participating
institutions (University of Bern, University of Geneva, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich).

Postdoctoral position in the field of planetary

sciences at the University of Bern (100%)

In order to further support this research effort, we are offering a new postdoctoral position in the field of
planetary sciences.

The selected applicant will address different key problems of planet formation and will contribute to the
development of planet formation models, both based on accretion of planetesimals and accretion of pebbles,
as well as the analysis of the results of models. The applicants should have experience in planet formation
and evolution, in particular solid-gas interaction in protoplanetary disks (for solids from pebble to planetesimal
size range). In addition, experience in statistical analysis tools (e.g. machine learning and deep learning) will
be a plus.

The position will be based at the University of Bern, hosted by the group of Yann Alibert, but frequent and
regular interactions are foreseen with other groups at the University of Bern (e.g. Willy Benz, Christoph
Mordasini, Kevin Heng), and with other institutes part of the NCCR.
The selected applicant will have access to the high level computing facilities at the University of Bern.

Start: The starting date of the position is negotiable, and could be as early as November 2018.
Duration and salary: The length of a postdoc contract is of 2 years, with possible extension to a third and
even a fourth year depending on available funds. Applicants should be less than 4 years after their PhD at the
beginning of the position. Swiss postdoc salaries are extremely competitive (between 75,000 and 95,000 CHF
a year) even considering local costs of living, and are set by standard local regulations based on age and

How to apply: Interested applicants should contact Yann Alibert (, and send a
summary of their research activities, a CV, a publication list, and arrange for three letters of recommendation
to be sent directly. Complete applications received by October 31st, 2018, will receive full considerations.
Past this date, applications will be considered depending on availability.

The university of Bern is an equal opportunity employer, and we specially encourage the application of female
University of Bern, Phil.Nat., NCCR PlanetS, Gesellschaftsstrasse 6,

Apply now
